Hi, it’s Mara Glazer.


I am honored you have come to find me online to learn how I can help you write direct response sales copy to get more clients and customers…




If you would have told 13-year-old Mara that one day many top marketers would be calling her “The World’s Best Female Direct Response Copywriter”... she would have laughed in your face.


First of all, when I was 13 I had no idea what direct response copywriting even was. 


And second, that was also the year my English writing teacher told me I didn’t have the skills I needed to be successful in life, and I should just go find another school. (That’s a true story, if you can believe that?!)


Now luckily, my father is Bill Glazer. 


Many people consider him a copywriting + marketing OG. 

But to me, he’s just my dad! (And a really awesome one at that.)  


My dad personally took me under his wing and trained me to write direct response sales copy for 3 years while I worked for him at the company he founded with his business partner, Dan Kennedy: Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle.


And I’ve used the copywriting strategies he taught me to create multiple 5-figure, 6-figure, and even 7-figure email campaigns for internet-celebrity clients like Grace Lever, Amy Porterfield, Stephan Speaks, the Zig Ziglar family, Bill Glazer, Dan Kennedy, and a few more I’m not even allowed to mention… in ALL SORTS of industries.


After my dad’s last stroke, he “passed the torch” to me to share his teachings + my teachings with other entrepreneurs so I can continue his legacy. Plus, continue on with his promise to donate a portion of all the profits to the Veterans Affairs of Pittsburgh to help veterans who have had a stroke with their post-stroke rehab.


And now I do exactly that.


I’m certainly not a psychic… but I think it’s pretty safe to predict that you are here because you want to connect in some way. (And I AM HERE FOR THAT!)


Looking for my FREE email templates to fill up your calendar with lots of sales calls for your coaching, consulting, or service-based business?


>> Click Here to download the FREE PDF.




Are you a customer who needs help with one of your course or program purchases?


>> Please email hello@maraglazer.com and my team will be happy to help :)


Want to feature me as a speaker at your event or podcast?

>> Please email hello@maraglazer.com with your inquiry.

That’s what I’ve got for you today! 


So, until we meet again…


Write On!



Mara Glazer

“The World’s Best Female Direct Response Copywriter”


"World's Best Female Copywriter!"





“Since meeting Mara, we’ve done over $100k in one month from Facebook alone.”